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All of your prayers, songs, positive thoughts, and financial support are tremendously appreciated. Thank you for helping us bring River back to life. Stephan

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On November 26, 2017, my son River drowned. His mother left him alone in the bathtub. River was only 14 months old at the time. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctors were able to successfully reanimate him and get a heartbeat. River suffered an anoxic brain injury and the doctors painted a very dark picture for us, saying that he would never open his eyes again and asked me to let him go. I refused. River and I have an incredible spiritual connection, and I knew it was only the beginning of our adventure. I stayed in the hospital with River for months, focusing on his healing. I brought my piano and guitar to the hospital and played music for him every single day. I talked to him, I massaged him and stimulated his body while telling him about all the cool things we were going to do together. I wrote songs by his side and felt that even though he was motionless and unresponsive, we were connected and we communicated. After about two months River began to move his big toe and opened his eyes slightly.

I was so happy and continued stimulating him and surrounding him with love. In my time at the hospital with him I researched day and night on brain injuries, healing, and recovery. I talked to other parents of children who had gone through near drownings and spoke to many specialists on the subject. I was eager to come home with River so that I could get him started on therapies that would help him heal and that were unavailable at the hospital. I learnt all the special cares, how to use the ventilator, the oxygen machine, how to give River breathing treatments, take care of his trach and g-tube and how to save his life in case of an emergency.

Although it was the most physically demanding moments of my life as I was sleeping around 2-3 hours per night, I was so happy and inspired to be at home with River. He was in his familiar environment with the sounds and smells of home, all of his toys and surroundings I was able to sit with him at the piano, to cook food for him and blend it so he wouldn’t have to eat the hospital g-tube formulas. I got River started on the therapy journey with chiropractic, physical therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, cold laser therapy, and more. Most of all I focused on making his days the most joyous possible.

River is now 6 years old; he opens his eyes fully when awake, gets excited when I jump on the trampoline with him, or help him walk around the house. The recovery journey is just beginning but so far, he has proved every doctor wrong, they had given up on him but I did not. I can tell River is excited about life by the sounds he makes, the way he moves his eyes and looks at me, and by the silent communication we share. He pushed me towards my own self-realization and has accelerated my own personal evolution.

You can see more of his story on the heartswithriver page on Facebook and Instagram.

I am currently working on a movie about my son’s life that is going to be called River the Phoenix and also on some songs that will accompany the movie.

All of your prayers, songs, positive thoughts, and financial support are tremendously appreciated. Thank you for helping us bring River back to life.

James Stephan Monroe

River’s dad

“Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow” – River Phoenix


On November 26, 2017, my son River drowned. His mother left him alone in the bathtub. River was only 14 months old at the time. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctors were able to successfully reanimate him and get a heartbeat. River suffered an anoxic brain injury and the doctors painted a very dark picture for us, saying that he would never open his eyes again and asked me to let him go. I refused. River and I have an incredible spiritual connection, and I knew it was only the beginning of our adventure. I stayed in the hospital with River for months, focusing on his healing. I brought my piano and guitar to the hospital and played music for him every single day. I talked to him, I massaged him and stimulated his body while telling him about all the cool things we were going to do together. I wrote songs by his side and felt that even though he was motionless and unresponsive, we were connected and we communicated. After about two months River began to move his big toe and opened his eyes slightly.

I was so happy and continued stimulating him and surrounding him with love. In my time at the hospital with him I researched day and night on brain injuries, healing, and recovery. I talked to other parents of children who had gone through near drownings and spoke to many specialists on the subject. I was eager to come home with River so that I could get him started on therapies that would help him heal and that were unavailable at the hospital. I learnt all the special cares, how to use the ventilator, the oxygen machine, how to give River breathing treatments, take care of his trach and g-tube and how to save his life in case of an emergency.

Although it was the most physically demanding moments of my life as I was sleeping around 2-3 hours per night, I was so happy and inspired to be at home with River. He was in his familiar environment with the sounds and smells of home, all of his toys and surroundings I was able to sit with him at the piano, to cook food for him and blend it so he wouldn’t have to eat the hospital g-tube formulas. I got River started on the therapy journey with chiropractic, physical therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, cold laser therapy, and more. Most of all I focused on making his days the most joyous possible.

River is now 6 years old; he opens his eyes fully when awake, gets excited when I jump on the trampoline with him, or help him walk around the house. The recovery journey is just beginning but so far, he has proved every doctor wrong, they had given up on him but I did not. I can tell River is excited about life by the sounds he makes, the way he moves his eyes and looks at me, and by the silent communication we share. He pushed me towards my own self-realization and has accelerated my own personal evolution.

You can see more of his story on the heartswithriver page on Facebook and Instagram.

I am currently working on a movie about my son’s life that is going to be called River the Phoenix and also on some songs that will accompany the movie.

All of your prayers, songs, positive thoughts, and financial support are tremendously appreciated. Thank you for helping us bring River back to life.

James Stephan Monroe

River’s dad

“Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow” – River Phoenix

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